International Publications

LANDCARE EUROPE - Cooperative nature conservation to benefit people

Preserving and fostering our agricultural heritage landscapes with farmers, conservationists and political decision makers

Art.-Nr.: P121 EN 2023 1D

This brochure shows how Landcare Associations (LCA) operate and presents the key success factors for cooperative conservation benefitting people and nature.

It gives a glimpse of the practical work from large-scale habitat restoration to regional production and direct marketing, a concept promoted in the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy. The concluding recommendations collected in exchanges between European LCAs underline how politicians and authorities can support and facilitate Landcare work.


Collective approaches − added value for nature and climate protection in the agricultural landscape

Art.-Nr.: P106 EN 2021 1D

Many current issues in climate or biodiversity protection are related to our domestic land use. In this respect, the future direction of the Common Agri­cultural Policy (CAP) is being discussed intensively. A central question is how farmers as agricultural entrepreneurs can be strongly attracted to corporate public wel­fare objectives such as species, biodiversity and climate protection, peatland and water protection or biotope networking. This requires new ideas and new concepts: thinking on the part of individual farms must be linked synergistical­ly with collective action!

In these recommendations, Landcare Germany (DVL) wants to provide an in­itial guideline on how cooperation in the 1st and 2nd pillars of the CAP should be approached for the benefit of all, and which tools and mechanisms must be used to achieve this.


Public goods bonus

Art.-Nr.: P076 EN 2021 2B

A concept for the effective reward of agricultural environmental and climate protection services within the eco-schemes of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) from 2023 on.

Developed in cooperation with agriculture, science and administration.


My little piece of Land

Farmers from Croatia talk about their life
and how they work in harmony with nature

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2014 1 D


The public goods bonus and the “eco-schemes” in the new CAP architecture beyond 2020

Art.-Nr.: P076 EN 2019 1D

In its concept of the public goods bonus (PGB), Landcare Germany (Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege, DVL) presented a proposal back in 2016 for how the provision by a farming business of the land-related public goods of biodiversity, climate and water protection could be mapped and recompensed in income through the determination of a total points score. The proposal was geared towards a reorientation of the CAP beyond 2020, but did not at the time offer any suggestions as to how the concept of the PGB could actually be integrated into a future CAP architecture, since no information on the relevant parameters was yet available.

This paper fleshes out how the PGB concept could in principle be integrated into the current legislative proposal on the future of the CAP as “eco-schemes”. The explanations use the example of Schleswig-Holstein, since it was in this federal state that the evaluation method of the PGB was developed. Landcare Germany is currently engaged in a nationwide project investigating the transferability of the PGB method to other natural areas.

The purpose of this contribution is to encourage the current technical and political discussions processes on the future configuration of the CAP beyond 2020 by submitting a specific proposal based on the Commission Proposal. Landcare Germany’s proposal on the integration of the PGB into the eco-schemes is therefore not to be understood as conclusive, but will instead be continuously updated as the subsidiary and in particular legal framework at national level becomes clearer and in the light of further findings from the nationwide Landcare Germany project running in parallel.


Preis: 0,00 € (wenige auf Lager)

Best practice examples for environmental protection & agriculture

Landcare Associations in Natura 2000 sites

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2018 1 B

The Natura 2000 network was set up to protect the diversity of species and biotopes in Europe. Bavaria has designated a total of 11.4 % of its area as Natura 2000 sites. The diversity that they contain is our region's natural treasure. These sites are dependent on careful management in many ways.

Farmers, nature conservationists and local politicians work together on an equal footing in Landcare Associations. This brochure highlights how they collaborate by managing Natura 2000 sites.


Preis: 0,00 € (auf Lager)

Extensive grazing

Sustainable nature conservation on
pastures in the EU, the German federation and its federal states

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 1900 1 B

Extensively grazed grassland is a feature of many cultivated landscapes in Europe. Agricultural regions which have traditionally been used for grazing maintain a particularly rich biodiversity, contributing to income generation for the rural population. For many reasons, the retention of extensively grazed grassland is an important task for future agricultural policy. This paper summarises the associated arguments and requirements.


Preis: 0,00 € (wenige auf Lager)

First steps to Landcare in Europe

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2017 1 B

Farbige Infobroschüre 20 S. (07/2017)

Landcare Germany (DVL) is the umbrella organisation of the currently existing 160 Landcare Associations in Germany. In cooperation with representatives of nature conservation, farming and politics, Landcare Associations aim to preserve and enhance diverse cultural landscapes with a focus on environmentally-friendly regional development. This form of cooperative nature conservation is regarded as an effective approach for the implementation of key environmental and nature conservation goals – not only in Germany, but also across Europe. For this reason, the Pogány-havas Association, a regional development organisation working in the Harghita County in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains, contacted DVL and asked for assistance in establishing a Landcare Association in the Harghita County that could coordinate the various stakeholders at local level and improve cooperation between them with the aim to preserve one of Europe’s most biodiverse landscapes


Preis: 0,00 € (wenige auf Lager)

Primii pas‚i pentru protect‚ ia peisajului în Europa

Art.-Nr.: PXXX RO 2017 1 B

Farbige Infobroschüre 20 S. (07/2017)

Asociația Germană pentru Protecția Peisajului (DVL) este organizația umbrelă a celor 160 asociații pentru protecția peisajului existente în prezent în Germania. În cooperare cu reprezentanții ONG-urilor de mediu, fermierilor și politicienilor, asociațiile pentru protecția peisajului urmăresc conservarea și consolidarea diversității peisajelor culturale, punând accent deosebit pe dezvoltarea regională ecologică. Această formă de conservare a naturii este considerată un mijloc eficient în ceea ce privește punerea în aplicare a principalelor obiective de mediu și de conservare a naturii - nu numai în Germania, ci în întreaga Europă. Din acest motiv, Asociația Microregională Pogány-havas, o organizație de dezvoltare regională ce activează în județul Harghita în zona Munților Carpați, a contactat DVL și a cerut asistență în înființarea unei asociații de protecție a peisajului în județul Harghita, care ar putea coordona părțile interesate la nivel local și ar putea îmbunătăți cooperarea între ele, cu scopul de a conserva unul dintre peisajele cu cea mai mare biodiversitate din Europa


Preis: 0,00 € (wenige auf Lager)

Nature - a boost for rural development

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2008 1 D

Heft 14 der DVL-Schriftenreihe "Landschaft als Lebensraum"


Farbige Broschüre, 55 S., Ansbach (06/2008)


German and English inside






Wildlife-friendly Implementation of Set-Aside

A practical quide

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2006 1B

farbige Broschüre 16 S.


Preis: 0,00 € (wenige auf Lager)

100 fields for biodiversity

A network of conservation fields in Germany

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN XXX 1 D

The project „100 fields for biodiversity“ aims at establishing a nationwide conservation field network for wild arable plant species. Through this project, which is financially supported by the Deutsche Bundestiftung Umwelt (DBU,, there is a realistic chance of countering the ongoing loss of species by implementing a network of conservation fields. The conservation of typical arable plant communities such as Caucalido-Adonidetum flammeae, Teesdalio-Arnoseridetum and Papaveretum argemones should be ensured within every ecosystem of Germany with the help of these „conservation fields“. On these fields, crop management is carried out without herbicide use and according to the growth preferences of the wild arable plants. The conservation fields should act as future centres for potential re-colonisation of rare species.


We love Landscapes

Landcare Associations in Germany

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2016 1 B

Sheet 6 p. (November 2016)

Diverse landscapes are crucial for our quality of life

While fascinating us with its variety of habitats and species, nature at the same time also represents the vital foundation of our quality of life and our prosperity. It is for this reason that Landcare Germany and its members are committed to conserving and developing our landscapes.


Preis: 0,00 € (wenige auf Lager)

"Branding the landscape"

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2007 1D

The great variety of cultural landscape as we know and value it from many regions of Europe has originated through human use. In the past 20 years, regional marketing has proven itself to be an effective instrument for creating value from preserving the landscape and in so doing safeguarding this value economically.

This guide has been developed within the framework of the “LIFESCAPE YOUR LANDSCAPE” European project and is supported by means of the EU INTERREG program and the German Federal Ministry for food, farming and consumer protection. It offers both new and experienced regional initiatives the possibility to extend and professionalise their work. The booklet uses questions rather than answers as a guide, thereby helping one to prepare for own decision-making instead of making decisions on their behalf. For this reason it is a valuable support for both “beginners” and “advanced” in their work.

With this booklet, the project partners of the “LIFESCAPE YOUR LANDSCAPE” project and the German Association for Landcare (DVL) e.V., as the umbrella organisation for the Landcare Associations, the biological centres and similar organisations, offer the regional marketer a practically orientated and easy to use guide.


Elso˝ lépések az európai tájgondnokság felé

Art.-Nr.: PXXX HU 2017 1 B

Farbige Infobroschüre 20 S. (07/2017)

A Német Tájgondnoki Szövetség (DVL) 160, jelenleg is működő németországi tájgondnoki egyesület ernyőszervezete. A tájgondnoki egyesületek célja - a természetvédők, a gazdák és a politikum képviselőivel együttműködve - a változatos kultúrtájak megőrzése és erősítése, különös figyelmet fordítva a környezetbarát regionális fejlődésre. Az ilyen típusú együttműködő természetvédelem hatékony eszköz a fő környezet- és természetvédelmi célok megvalósításában, nem csak Németországban, hanem Európa-szerte is. A romániai Kárpátokban, Hargita megyében működő Pogány-havas Kistérségi Társulás ebből a meggondolásból lépett kapcsolatba a DVL-lel, és kért segítséget egy Hargita megyei tájgondnoki egyesület létrehozásához, amely helyi szinten hangolná össze a különböző érdekelt feleket, és javítaná a köztük lévő együttműködést, Európa egyik legnagyobb biológiai sokféleségével rendelkező tájának megőrzése érdekében.


Preis: 0,00 € (wenige auf Lager)

Agriculture for Nature and Man

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2005 1 D

Farbige Infobroschüre 8 S. (2005)



Bats in Forests

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2001 1D

Heft 4 der DVL-Schriftenreihe " Landschaft als Lebensraum"

durchgehend farbig, 20 S. 




Habitat Set-Aside - A project for Wildlife-Friendly Implementation of Set-Aside

Art.-Nr.: P XXX EN 2003 1D

Farbiges Faltblatt


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